Tuesday 6 May 2014

Decoy 'Q' Boats

During WW1, Britain had a secret weapon, which were the decoy ‘Q’ boats. These boats were being built in the dockyards of Devonport and on the other South West ports. This was to be Britain’s secret weapon and would be the answer to tackling Germany’s new weapon; the submarine or what they called the U-boat. Thee fighting vessels were a great trick of disguising and cunning the enemy but the fact that they were actual ordinary ships which were being built as decoys.

Battle lines

The British army became very fearsome of Germany’s brand new weapon. The Germans strategy was to starve Britain and to defeat Britain’s ships by sinking very single one of them. The biggest casualty that this war had faced was the rule of war, which sank without a trace. Britain had a huge problem coming there way and the only solution the saw fit was to outwit the Germans with a more clever and sophisticated plan by using the Q ships. There was more than 200 boats and these were disguised and sent into action against the U boat enemy.

Decoy 'Q' Boat

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