Tuesday, 6 May 2014


Dummies, decoys and disguises were unlike any other camouflaging techniques or devices out there, but they were seen to be very effective. Their purpose was to trick enemies into making false assignments of strength, position and composition of opposing forces, or to fool them into attacking fake targets. 

These are Paper Mache heads from the British Army camouflage school and were used during the First World War. This British camouflage device was intended to deceive enemy snipers into exposing their positions.

In 1939 before WW2, the ‘Air Ministry’ created a programme of disguising industrial buildings for example buildings that were located in the suburbs. The water tower was disguised with images of houses as well as disruptive patterns painted. The goal was to confuse the enemy bomb-aimer for only a few seconds.

These are some Vietnam veterans who are wearing their uniforms to protest against the war at Capitol Hill in the early 70’s. The veterans became the leaders of Against War and they seized and occupied the Statue of Liberty for 3 days in 1971 in the opposition of the Vietnam War. The protesters wore camouflage, which helped camouflage enter the popular imagination.

Maharishi, a Mr. Freedom recycled M65 jacket as part of his 2004 recycle range. Maharishi was a London based label and was founded in 1994 by Hardy Blechman. He is mostly widely known for his use of camouflage and the signature embroidery and customized pieces. He is also most famous for his psychedelic designs. He chose to use the phrase ‘All You Need is Love’ to authentic the Swedish and American military surplus garments.

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